You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take
Netcam 4.0
Product highlights include:
A slotted bottom panel to permit the camera to slide partly out of the Netcam body (while still staying attached) to enable the easy exchange of digital cards between periods when using cameras that have back-loaded cards.
Multiple mounting slots on the back gives you varied mounting options.
A stabilizing bracket is attached to the ball clamp to improve reliability by limiting Netcam movement.
The ball clamp toggle has been replaced to a one-piece solid silver-plated unit to improve tightening ability.
Water resistant padded camera cover.
A mounting hole and cold-shoe for upright mounting of the radio receiver.
Assembled and ready to go
Foamcore or cardboard should be used to protect the front panel EVERY TIME you move the camera in and out of the box.
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